Thursday, October 7, 2010

NCAA Does Wrong

The NCAA has become flawed and morally wrong, especially when it comes to College Football. The NCAA's policies deem that the  worst possible offense for a player is to talk to an agent, worse than getting a DUI, beating up a girlfriend or armed robbery. One example is the University of Florida's program under Urban Myer. In his tenure there 27 players have been arrested, all for charges listed above, yet the NCAA determined there is nothing wrong with the program. Currently USC is on a 4 year NCAA probation because Reggie Bush interacted with an agent while still in College. Its nice to know that the NCAA thinks talking to an agent is worse then an armed robbery charge. As long as the NCAA keeps the policies running they are promoting a disturbing message to programs, coaches, players and all of College Football.


  1. I agree that the NCAA has some rediculous rules and is sending wrong messages to everyone involved. It seems as if the NCAA is a program all about control and profit. The players recieve no compensation unless they are under scholarship and not many player recieve full rides and the NCAA won't allow the players to work even if they can fit it into their schedule. The NCAA won't pay the players at all because that would mean less money, but they also won't allow any players to except gifts from anyone besides family. It's all about control and money with the NCAA and they hold their rules higher than the actual law. It doesn't make sense that a player and university gets punished for years for excepting gifts, while another player breaks an actual law and gets off no problem from the NCAA.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The NCAA needs to understand the degree of certain violations. Dez Bryant a star receiver and first round draft pick of the Dallas Cowboys was suspended most of senior year. This was because he had dinner with former NFL superstar dion sanders, and lied to the NCAA about some of the details of this dinner, due to the fact he was scared that he will get in trouble. Although lying to the NCAA is bad, it is not worthy of a entire season suspension. Players who get DUI's and have even spent some jail time are not suspended for that long, usually receiving a game or 2 two supension. Agents are a real problem in college football, but a player talking to one is not the worst thing. Alot of these players come from a poor background and the idea of getting money is a primary concern for them. Talking to agents is bad and is deserving of a suspension, but the penalties that come from it should not be so heavy, when what I think are worse crimes are given a shorter penalty.

  4. This is very confusing to me. How can talking to an agent be worse than committing a crime. It doesn't make sense that these college football players are committing crimes and barely getting in any trouble. These players are almost getting away with armed robbery, rape, and getting DUI's. The NCAA needs to look over their policies and change them. If a player or anyone is caught with any of those crimes then they should be given the full punishment just like everyone else would.
