Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Bullying is a very serious issue that happens in most likely every school in the United States. Bullying can be physical or vocal. If a bully is physical then he/she pushes, hits, or kicks their victims. A vocal bully will torment their victims by calling them any hurtful names. I recently read an article about kids commiting suicide because of getting bullied everyday. I feel like bullying should never come to some one commiting suicide. In the article I read it said that the school was doing nothing about the bullies. Now lets look at our own school. Is there bullies at Groves? If yes what should the staff be doing about it.


  1. I feel bullying at Groves isn't as servere as it is at other schools. We have a very diverse body of students here, which enables students to find a group of people who fit their comfort zone. Most kids from Groves and in Birmingham Public Schools learn that bullying is wrong and extremely hurtful. This doesn't stop bullying from occuring, but makes students more tolerant of everyone. Bullying on every level uis wrong, but at Groves the bullying is more of am mocking manner than purely for a mean purpose.

  2. At Groves there is a zero tolerance policy concerning harrassment, which is what bullying boils down too. I'm sure there is bullying going on at Groves, what school doesn't have it, but it can be stopped. The person being bullied just has to inform the office and they will handle it, or even another student can inform the office and then they will look into the situation. I don't think the staff can do much without student telling them they are being harrassed unless there is physical harm being done infront of them because it's hard to tell when two friends are just messing with eachother. The policies Groves has concerning bullying and harrassment are set up to help the person being harrassed, so all that person has to do is use the policy and get the problem resolved.

  3. Bullying is a serious problems in schools across America. The physical and mental toll it can take on a kid is very dangerous and in some cases has led to suicide. Kids dont always realize the effect they have on someone else by making fun of them. I dont believe there is alot of bullying in groves. I have never seen a fight or someone getting physically harm. However I do think there is the occasional harassment of some kids by the use of harmful words. I think to prevent bullying in schools, the school needs to let the kids know that they can come and talk to them, if they are feeling harassed. Also they need to promote a safe friendly enviroment. Bullying in schools needs to stop and has to be looked at as a promary issues before people get hurt mentally or physically.
