Friday, October 22, 2010


The Ad industry spends billions of dollars a year trying to influence consumers into buying their products. Billboards, TV commercials, radio commercials, magazine ads, and internet ads are the most popular and wide spread types of advertisement, but do they help the consumers connect and want to buy the product? While watching TV many people don't pay attention to the commercials. People get and to get food, a drink, go to the bathroom , or use the phone, and don't watch the commercials. The one example when people truely watch TV commercials is during the Super Bowl because it is part of the entertainment. Companies pay millions per spot and make them as funny and memerable as possible. Also ads on the internet are possibly the most annoying thing on the internet. Pop ups and forced commercials make for a bad experience and people just either click out of the ad or check facebook while the commercial is playing. Youtube and Hulu no have forced commercials and that annoyance does more harm than good and creates a disconnect to the product. What do you think? Do ads have a positive or negative impact on the consumers with the way many ads are being forced upon us?


  1. I do think ads have a posotive impact on comsumers. Ads are how companies reach out to the public to inform us on their product. If there were no ads then alot of people wouldn't know about a companies products, which meens no products would be being sold. On the other hand internet ads drive me crazy. On almost every website you go on there are ads. On alot of websites the ads pop up and block the original website. This is very annoying to me and many people. I can guarantee that most people that recieve these pop up ads do not look at them for one second and immediatly click out of them. I think advertisors should fix this pop up problem because there are paying lots of money for them but in return not alot of people are looking at them.

  2. I think ads have a positive impact on the consumer. Ads allow consumers all over to personally view the products and be introduced to what that product has to offer. With out ads consumers would have a harder time knowing who to turn to in order to get what they desire. Ads familiarize people with what the company sells. For example if you see a Nike ad on television, they show people using their shoes, and apparel. They also show athletes using their equipment. This has a positive impact because it gets people to believe that since the stars use Nike products the equipment must be good. Although most people do not like watching TV commercials because they are always interrupting thier programs, ultimately advertisements are a good thing because it lets people know what products and services are out there that could be useful for a consumer.

  3. I think the amount of ads being played and thrown at consumers is negatively effecting them. It gives off a false message about every product and with the vast amount of information needed to be processed consumers aren't making rational descisions in buying products. Commercials are doing whatever it takes to sell their products, but consumers are seeing right through it. When I see a Tide laundary detergent commercial get out these remarkably big stains on commericals I think it will do the same for my clothes. This is not the case because the next time i spilled dinner on my t-shirt Tide didn't perform to the level they did in their ads. Advertisments get products out to the people, but the amount of exaggeration taking place in these ads is hurting consumers and their ability to smartly buy products.
