Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fast Food

Fast food is gross. PERIOD. The fact that America is  the fattest country and that America consumes the most fast food is no coincidence. There is nothing attractive that should make customers continually come back to these fast food chains. Think about McDonald's: every time you eat it you feel pretty sick after, the floor of the restaurant is always wet (lets hope its just water) and you have to be cautious of where to sit because every table seems dirty. I understand that the price of the food is the ultimate draw to these fast food chains, but if people that can afford to cut off fast food from their diet will benefit themselves and the overall health of the country. Personally I have limited the amount of fast food I eat to around once every couple of months. This has not been challenging for me either because I have found plenty of fulfilling options that don't require me eating a 700 calorie whooper. Everybody deserves to be healthy and by not eating fast food it can help you obtain a healthier lifestyle.

Old Spice

Old spice has become a powerhouse in the commercial industry.  Their use of comedy with marketing has become a favorite for TV viewers everywhere.  What Old Spice says about American culture is what its like to be a man.  It appeals to men by showing what its like to be manly and to smell good.  During Old Spice commercials it shows men doing activities such as weight lifting, playing golf, and doing other sports.  During the commercial it shows men around women or talking about them, giving you the thought using Old attracts women.  This means Old Spice also appeals to women by showing women having a desire for a man using Old Spice in their commercials.  These ads target teenagers to adults.  Personally I enjoy these ads because it has a entertainment aspect to them that I think is appealing.  How do you feel about the Old Spice commercials and would make you decide to purchase Old Spice products?

Friday, October 22, 2010


The Ad industry spends billions of dollars a year trying to influence consumers into buying their products. Billboards, TV commercials, radio commercials, magazine ads, and internet ads are the most popular and wide spread types of advertisement, but do they help the consumers connect and want to buy the product? While watching TV many people don't pay attention to the commercials. People get and to get food, a drink, go to the bathroom , or use the phone, and don't watch the commercials. The one example when people truely watch TV commercials is during the Super Bowl because it is part of the entertainment. Companies pay millions per spot and make them as funny and memerable as possible. Also ads on the internet are possibly the most annoying thing on the internet. Pop ups and forced commercials make for a bad experience and people just either click out of the ad or check facebook while the commercial is playing. Youtube and Hulu no have forced commercials and that annoyance does more harm than good and creates a disconnect to the product. What do you think? Do ads have a positive or negative impact on the consumers with the way many ads are being forced upon us?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Bullying is a very serious issue that happens in most likely every school in the United States. Bullying can be physical or vocal. If a bully is physical then he/she pushes, hits, or kicks their victims. A vocal bully will torment their victims by calling them any hurtful names. I recently read an article about kids commiting suicide because of getting bullied everyday. I feel like bullying should never come to some one commiting suicide. In the article I read it said that the school was doing nothing about the bullies. Now lets look at our own school. Is there bullies at Groves? If yes what should the staff be doing about it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

NCAA Does Wrong

The NCAA has become flawed and morally wrong, especially when it comes to College Football. The NCAA's policies deem that the  worst possible offense for a player is to talk to an agent, worse than getting a DUI, beating up a girlfriend or armed robbery. One example is the University of Florida's program under Urban Myer. In his tenure there 27 players have been arrested, all for charges listed above, yet the NCAA determined there is nothing wrong with the program. Currently USC is on a 4 year NCAA probation because Reggie Bush interacted with an agent while still in College. Its nice to know that the NCAA thinks talking to an agent is worse then an armed robbery charge. As long as the NCAA keeps the policies running they are promoting a disturbing message to programs, coaches, players and all of College Football.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Women's Sports

When you think of sports you don't immediately think of the WNBA, or LPGA.  Women's sports have always taken a backseat to men's.  This could be because men sports are more entertaining or the fact that women don't get the respect they deserve in the sports world.  Leagues like the WNBA struggle to stay alive due to a low source of income.  For example the Detroit Shock had to move because of low attendance and no money.  This is a shame because the Shock were a powerhouse within the WNBA had won multiple titles over recent year.  Women's sports are also the source of many jokes and punchlines.  MTV covers a national women's football league called the LFL (Lingerie Football League).  This is degrading for women's sports and doesn't give them the credit they deserve.  The gender stereotype has made so men's athletics are better and a higher level of play then women's.  There are women all over the world that play sports whether it soccer, golf, tennis or basketball. When is the last time you have been to a women's sporting event?