Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why are athletes so stupid?

Everyday you can't turn on the TV without seeing the next professional, or even college athlete making a stupid decision. In just this past year I can name dozen of college programs that have to expel and suspend players because they break the rules and laws. Just a couple days ago a Michigan State athlete, who plays football and basketball, go expelled for stealing 800,000$ worth of laptops. This kid who will have the ability to play a professional sport and one day make millions of dollars just ruined his life because he decided to be an idiot. Its one thing for a college athlete to make a mistake drinking, but stealing 800,00$ worth of equipment is absurd. Even more professional athletes tend to be dumber than the college athletes. There has been so many incidents on just one team that they have received nicknames like the "Portland Jail Blazers" and the "Cincinnati Jailengals". In the case of Cincinnati in just one summer 12 players got arrested for breaking the law. Just two days ago a multi millionaire famous athlete Braylon Edwards got a DUI at 5 in the morning. Whats the problem Braylon you don't have enough money to hire a driver when you go to the clubs? Its not as bad as it seems it is only his second DUI this year and his fellow teammates, who were with him, didn't stop him from driving drunk. On every team in every league there are players who break the law, ruin their careers and furthermore ruin their lives. I really can't explain why this happen, but I can truthfully say athletes at every level are stupid.


  1. Athletes lately have not been thinking very clearly. Wether it's from carrying a gun in their sweatpants to a club, juicing, or fighting dogs, professional and college athletes have had a complete lack judgement. Like Jack said Edwards is the most recent example of a high profile athlete breaking the law, but right before that Reggie Bush gave up his Heisman trophy because he accepted gifts and money while playing for USC. Yes, the rules of the NCAA might not be right or fair, but they are clearly written and have to be obeyed. It seems to me that it's an attitude thing for these athletes. They think they are "better" than every one else and can get away with things because of their celebrity. The opposite actually can happen because they can be used as examples and end up getting in more trouble or just throw away their multimillion dollar contract. These athletes need to hold themselves to a higher standard and stop acting to dumb.

  2. I feel that athletes break the law and rules is because they think they wont get in trouble because they are ruch and famous. As always they are wrong and get the punishment they deserve or sometimes even more. I think this is very stupid because by them breaking the law they are just throwing all of their money out the window and their image. Everything is getting ruined for something that is most of the times so easy to prevent. In all, athletes need to think becfore they make decisions and think about who looks up to them.

  3. For the most part there is a large group of athletes in both the pros and college that just act plain stupid. I dont know if its because they just cant handle the spotlight or that they are just dumb. I feel like athletes dont realize how fortunate they are to be in the postion they are in. Kids everywhere would die to be like there favorite athlete. Athletes are their role models, but then you turn on the TV and sportcenter is talking about another thing a athlete did wrong. There are a ton of athletes that set bad examples by going to jail, getting dui's, or cheating by using steroids. Sports needs more athletes that do the right thing and dont get in trouble.
