Thursday, September 16, 2010


Just last week America commemorated the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers. Even 9 years after the attacks people are still outraged about 9/11. This has been clear based on certain actions individuals have taken throughout the country: in Florida a Pastor and his followers tried to have a massive Quran burning and in New York City and around the country people are protesting an Islamic Cultural Center being built on ground zero. Even though it is a good thing that people still vividly recall the horrific events of 9/11, I feel that there are better ways to remember the attacks. Anger should be directed at Al Queda and the perpetrator's of the attacks, not in some senses all Muslim people. People need to grieve the lives that were lost on 9/11, but also try to build bridges with Muslim people in order to understand different cultures and prevent further attacks. Even though it has been 9 years since the World Trade Center attacks not much progress has been made in accepting Muslim people and I hope in future years to come people do not lose sight of what happened on 9/11, but rather begin to accept and trust Muslim people.


  1. I 100% agree with this post. Americans shouldn't be steriotypical and assume that all Muslims are terrorists. As Jack said in Florida they were going to have a massive Quran burning. It is a good thing that didn't happen because i feel that would have made things alot worse in this country. I assume he was intending to offend the terrorists, but he also would be offending every Muslim in the Unites States. This could have caused many problems and possibly cause Muslim Americans to turn on our country.

  2. Even 9 years later we are still feeling the effects of 9/11. People are still feeling the sadness of that horrific day and much of the news wourld is centered around the chain of events that 9/11 caused. I agree with the fact that we cannot blame all Muslim people with 9/11 and that we need to understand it was the group Al Queda.

  3. I agree with Jack that Americans are still outraged with the 9/11 attacks. It is most evident in the political world of the US. The examples Jack pointed out, the planned burning of the Quran and the public outcry over building an Islamic Cultural Center near ground zero, prove that politically Americans still have intense emotions associated with 9/11. This though provides a problem because we are a country build on specific freedoms, one of which is freedom of religion and many americans are not giving that same opportunity to the Muslims. Not all Muslims are torrorists, in fact most are not, it is Al Queda that we should aim our anger towards because they are the radical group that planned and carried out the attack. Even though Americans still have intense emotions about 9/11 it is not everyday that it is a main part of the news or culture. Our movies, music, television and other medio sources are not censored anymore about the attack. 9/11 is now more just in the political part of our country and not part of our everyday culture anymore.
