Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Cool Hand Luke" and "Cuckoo's Nest"

I thought "Cool Hand Luke" was a pretty good movie and had many parallels with "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", however I liked "Cuckoo's Nest" more. Both Luke and McMurphy were killed while helping other men regain their lives, but I found "Cuckoo's Nest" (the novel, haven't seen the film) more enjoyable. It had more sub characters with different personalities and a more interesting setting, at a psychiatric ward, than "Cool Hand Luke". Both Luke and McMurphy were able to rally up their men and raise havoc at the work farm and psychiatric ward and create an interesting story. So what did you think about the film "Cool Hand Luke" and the novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"? What are your likes and dislikes?


  1. I personally like Cool Hand Luke better then the novel one flew over the Cuckoo’s nest. There may be some bias in this because I usually prefer the movie to the book in most cases, and I have not seen the movie for one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. I like the prison farm setting more in Cool Hand Luke more, compared to the mental health hospital. Like Brett said there are many comparisons between the two main characters, Luke and McMurphy. For one they are able to become the leader of their groups, Luke in the prison farm and McMurphy at the mental health hospital. Everyone looks up to them, and it’s their rebellious attitudes that stir things up with the powers of each institute, the guards and the nurse. What I like about each story is the subject matter. Both are about finding out more about yourself, and in doing so both men were able to make large impacts on the surrounding characters. I also like the rebellious attitudes of both Luke and McMurphy. This attitude keeps things interesting and fun, and caught my attention. What I didn’t really like in both is how each character was killed. Although you could argue its appropriate, I think the stories would have been just as good without that aspect.

  2. Both Cuckoo's Nest and Cool Man Luke were interesting and compelling stories with many similarities. They both portrayed a main character that filled the anti-hero role rebel against society and power. I found it easier to enjoy Cool Hand Luke more mainly because I enjoy films more the novels and Paul Newman did a terrific job as Luke. In the film Luke's character is complex, but at the same time allowed me as a viewer to think about and want to analyze his actions. Also I though Cool Hand Luke was much easier to follow as a storyline. There were fewer characters and the characters were not as complex. In Cuckoo's Nest many of the characters were crazy and the narrator had hallucinations. This made it very difficult to follow the events of the novel. Overall I enjoyed both Cool Man Luke and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and analyzing the comparisons between them.

  3. Between the "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" and "Cool Hand Luke" i enjoyed the movie better. "Cool hand Luke" was very easy to follow and I always knew what was happening. Cuckoo's nest was very confusing because the author was often using hallucinations which were very hard to follow. I do like how both characters were rebellious. In both stories everyone in the mental hospital looked up to McMurphy and everyone on the prison farm looked up to Luke. Both characters were inspirational and can be looked up to as leaders.
