Thursday, November 18, 2010

Video Essay

Hat Rule
There were many interesting video essays whose arguments were very persuasive.  Most of the groups had their own unique style incorporated into their video in order to get their point across clearly.  For instance one group used abstract visuals to catch the attention of the audience.  A different group used the technique of narrating over an interview and rewinding and repeating what a person said during that interview.  This is a similar use of editing that Michael Moore uses in his films and most notably Fahrenheit 9/11.   Editing like this can allow the producers of the video to skew interviews certain ways in order to support their arguments. The use of music was used in every video essay.  Good music can really capture the attention of people and cause them to show interest in the video.  Personally I liked my group’s technique the best.  We surveyed 50 students at groves about the hat rule, and also interviewed staff members and some students on camera.  By getting the opinion of this many people we were able to see both sides of the argument clearly and get an idea where most people stand on the issue.  Also by interviewing the staff, we found out why the administration has the policy they have in place.  Overall I thought the editing skills and the quality of all the videos were pretty good.

Video Essay

As a group we did our project around the hat rule at Groves. As of now students are not allowed to wear hats to school, furthermore having a hood on isn't allowed either. Myself and my fellow group members felt this rule was unjust and we wanted to investigate through our video project why this rule was in place. We interviewed various students and administrators such as Mrs. Hurley to find out if students want to wear hats to school and the reasoning behind this rule. we also gave a survey out to 50 random kids to determine the popularity in being able to wear hats in school. Throughout our project we determined there were no concrete or just reason to defer students the opportunity to wear hats in school. The administration argued that school is a professional environment so hats shouldn't be allowed, but the dress code allows students to wear slippers and sweatpants, which is far from professional. I really enjoyed focusing on the hat rule issue at Groves High School and hopefully our project will allow a push to be made to change the rule.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Video Essays

All of the groups had a very similar structure to their video essays. They were all mostly interviews with students and staff around the school asking for opinions about certain policies. Two groups had really good editing which made their video look nicer and had a positive impact on the points they were trying to make. But in doing so it seemed like they were skewing what the person said or editing it in such a way to mirror their personal opinion on the policy; it was Michael Moore-esque. However they basically asked the same couple questions to many people with the exact same follow up questions. That's what I like about my groups video. Even though we didn't have a ton of interviews or great editing with effects, our interviews weren't the same with every person. The first couple questions may have been the same but depending on what the person said we asked different follow up questions to get a better understanding on their view of the hat rule. We also handed out surveys to get the opinions of many more people-male, female, and students varying from ninth to twelfth grade. Every group, however, did a good job getting interviews and making an argument for their view on different policies throughout Groves.

Video Essays

The group essays in my class had a few different techniques. In most peoples video essays the group members were asking students and staff their thoughts on whatever their issue was. In some of the videos the whole video was the group member asking the same questions over and over again. This repetativeness got a little annoying because the same questions were being asked. In other videos the group members edited there videos and added clips from t.v. shows, commercials, music etc. These videos were much more enjoyable to watch and held my attention for a longer period of time. The benefit of having music and other video clips in the video essays is that it holds the attention of the crowd and it it is more enjoyable to watch. In one of the groups it looked like they were twisting around the words that some of the students and staff were saying so that their point would be made.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I'm in my senior year of high school and the all too familiar week of final exams is coming up. This time is extremely stressful for all students.  What makes it even more frustrating is that teachers like to cram a lot of major assignments in the week before finals. This really makes it hard for students because they have to study for the final and complete assignments for their class. I have came up with a solution that I believe will be greatly beneficial with everyone involved in high school. My idea goes as follows: if a student is receiving an A in a class they are automatically exempt from taking the final exam. If a student is capable of receiving an A in a class they have proved the understand the material being taught in the class. Also this provides students an incentive to work hard throughout the trimester in order to not have to take the final. I think this idea will increase the work effort of students and teachers will see an increase in A's.

"Cool Hand Luke" and "Cuckoo's Nest"

I thought "Cool Hand Luke" was a pretty good movie and had many parallels with "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", however I liked "Cuckoo's Nest" more. Both Luke and McMurphy were killed while helping other men regain their lives, but I found "Cuckoo's Nest" (the novel, haven't seen the film) more enjoyable. It had more sub characters with different personalities and a more interesting setting, at a psychiatric ward, than "Cool Hand Luke". Both Luke and McMurphy were able to rally up their men and raise havoc at the work farm and psychiatric ward and create an interesting story. So what did you think about the film "Cool Hand Luke" and the novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"? What are your likes and dislikes?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fast Food

Fast food is gross. PERIOD. The fact that America is  the fattest country and that America consumes the most fast food is no coincidence. There is nothing attractive that should make customers continually come back to these fast food chains. Think about McDonald's: every time you eat it you feel pretty sick after, the floor of the restaurant is always wet (lets hope its just water) and you have to be cautious of where to sit because every table seems dirty. I understand that the price of the food is the ultimate draw to these fast food chains, but if people that can afford to cut off fast food from their diet will benefit themselves and the overall health of the country. Personally I have limited the amount of fast food I eat to around once every couple of months. This has not been challenging for me either because I have found plenty of fulfilling options that don't require me eating a 700 calorie whooper. Everybody deserves to be healthy and by not eating fast food it can help you obtain a healthier lifestyle.

Old Spice

Old spice has become a powerhouse in the commercial industry.  Their use of comedy with marketing has become a favorite for TV viewers everywhere.  What Old Spice says about American culture is what its like to be a man.  It appeals to men by showing what its like to be manly and to smell good.  During Old Spice commercials it shows men doing activities such as weight lifting, playing golf, and doing other sports.  During the commercial it shows men around women or talking about them, giving you the thought using Old attracts women.  This means Old Spice also appeals to women by showing women having a desire for a man using Old Spice in their commercials.  These ads target teenagers to adults.  Personally I enjoy these ads because it has a entertainment aspect to them that I think is appealing.  How do you feel about the Old Spice commercials and would make you decide to purchase Old Spice products?

Friday, October 22, 2010


The Ad industry spends billions of dollars a year trying to influence consumers into buying their products. Billboards, TV commercials, radio commercials, magazine ads, and internet ads are the most popular and wide spread types of advertisement, but do they help the consumers connect and want to buy the product? While watching TV many people don't pay attention to the commercials. People get and to get food, a drink, go to the bathroom , or use the phone, and don't watch the commercials. The one example when people truely watch TV commercials is during the Super Bowl because it is part of the entertainment. Companies pay millions per spot and make them as funny and memerable as possible. Also ads on the internet are possibly the most annoying thing on the internet. Pop ups and forced commercials make for a bad experience and people just either click out of the ad or check facebook while the commercial is playing. Youtube and Hulu no have forced commercials and that annoyance does more harm than good and creates a disconnect to the product. What do you think? Do ads have a positive or negative impact on the consumers with the way many ads are being forced upon us?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Bullying is a very serious issue that happens in most likely every school in the United States. Bullying can be physical or vocal. If a bully is physical then he/she pushes, hits, or kicks their victims. A vocal bully will torment their victims by calling them any hurtful names. I recently read an article about kids commiting suicide because of getting bullied everyday. I feel like bullying should never come to some one commiting suicide. In the article I read it said that the school was doing nothing about the bullies. Now lets look at our own school. Is there bullies at Groves? If yes what should the staff be doing about it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

NCAA Does Wrong

The NCAA has become flawed and morally wrong, especially when it comes to College Football. The NCAA's policies deem that the  worst possible offense for a player is to talk to an agent, worse than getting a DUI, beating up a girlfriend or armed robbery. One example is the University of Florida's program under Urban Myer. In his tenure there 27 players have been arrested, all for charges listed above, yet the NCAA determined there is nothing wrong with the program. Currently USC is on a 4 year NCAA probation because Reggie Bush interacted with an agent while still in College. Its nice to know that the NCAA thinks talking to an agent is worse then an armed robbery charge. As long as the NCAA keeps the policies running they are promoting a disturbing message to programs, coaches, players and all of College Football.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Women's Sports

When you think of sports you don't immediately think of the WNBA, or LPGA.  Women's sports have always taken a backseat to men's.  This could be because men sports are more entertaining or the fact that women don't get the respect they deserve in the sports world.  Leagues like the WNBA struggle to stay alive due to a low source of income.  For example the Detroit Shock had to move because of low attendance and no money.  This is a shame because the Shock were a powerhouse within the WNBA had won multiple titles over recent year.  Women's sports are also the source of many jokes and punchlines.  MTV covers a national women's football league called the LFL (Lingerie Football League).  This is degrading for women's sports and doesn't give them the credit they deserve.  The gender stereotype has made so men's athletics are better and a higher level of play then women's.  There are women all over the world that play sports whether it soccer, golf, tennis or basketball. When is the last time you have been to a women's sporting event?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gender Issues

Boys are often steriotyped against. Boys are thought of as "tough" and "show no emotion". Why do people think this way? People think that boys arn't boys if their not tough. I dont understand this because alot of boys arn't tough but that doesn't meen that they are not boys. Also reading, befriending girls, and just thinking are thought of as being weird, which no one wants to be. I want to put the steriotypes aside and say what you really think boys are.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shake Weight!

The Shake Weight is by far the most revolutionary invention for mankind. It is, hands down, the best way for you to get "Strong, Sexy, Sculpted Arms"! In just 6 minutes of looking rather promiscuous a day you can obtain the arms of your dreams. By simply holding this marvelous piece of equipment and allowing the weight to shake it gives any part of your body a tremendous workout. Arms? Easy hold it in front of your body. Back? Why not, just hold the Shake Weight high above your head and hold on tight. I couldn't think of any better way to spend $20. I mean what's better than getting a workout and not actually moving? Plus there is a triple money back guarantee! So everyone out there looking for a "great" workout and the arms of your dreams, just Shake Weight!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why are athletes so stupid?

Everyday you can't turn on the TV without seeing the next professional, or even college athlete making a stupid decision. In just this past year I can name dozen of college programs that have to expel and suspend players because they break the rules and laws. Just a couple days ago a Michigan State athlete, who plays football and basketball, go expelled for stealing 800,000$ worth of laptops. This kid who will have the ability to play a professional sport and one day make millions of dollars just ruined his life because he decided to be an idiot. Its one thing for a college athlete to make a mistake drinking, but stealing 800,00$ worth of equipment is absurd. Even more professional athletes tend to be dumber than the college athletes. There has been so many incidents on just one team that they have received nicknames like the "Portland Jail Blazers" and the "Cincinnati Jailengals". In the case of Cincinnati in just one summer 12 players got arrested for breaking the law. Just two days ago a multi millionaire famous athlete Braylon Edwards got a DUI at 5 in the morning. Whats the problem Braylon you don't have enough money to hire a driver when you go to the clubs? Its not as bad as it seems it is only his second DUI this year and his fellow teammates, who were with him, didn't stop him from driving drunk. On every team in every league there are players who break the law, ruin their careers and furthermore ruin their lives. I really can't explain why this happen, but I can truthfully say athletes at every level are stupid.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The beginning of senior year is a stressful time for most high school students.  They are going through the difficult process of college applications.  College applications require time and focus in order to show why you would be a good fit for a particular college.  College apps are scary for most students.  The essays are daunting and some colleges require multiple.  The college applications essays can make some of the best writers choke as they have a difficult time writing a personal statement.  A common question for most colleges is talking about some life changing risk or experience you have.  Students struggle as they feel they don't have a good enough moment in their life that best exemplifies the question.  Also they feel as their essay has to be perfect and they spend hours upon hours trying to produce a good result.
Some high school students have known where they want to go to college their whole life.  Now that the time is here to apply to the college it makes them uneasy as they could face the harsh reality of not getting into the college of their dreams.   I recommend that students read up on how to write good essays and have their parents help them with the process.  A 2nd set of eyes could be very helpful to try and submit a quality application.  Seniors every year go through the hardships of the college application as this is the next step in their academic career.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Just last week America commemorated the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers. Even 9 years after the attacks people are still outraged about 9/11. This has been clear based on certain actions individuals have taken throughout the country: in Florida a Pastor and his followers tried to have a massive Quran burning and in New York City and around the country people are protesting an Islamic Cultural Center being built on ground zero. Even though it is a good thing that people still vividly recall the horrific events of 9/11, I feel that there are better ways to remember the attacks. Anger should be directed at Al Queda and the perpetrator's of the attacks, not in some senses all Muslim people. People need to grieve the lives that were lost on 9/11, but also try to build bridges with Muslim people in order to understand different cultures and prevent further attacks. Even though it has been 9 years since the World Trade Center attacks not much progress has been made in accepting Muslim people and I hope in future years to come people do not lose sight of what happened on 9/11, but rather begin to accept and trust Muslim people.